Advanced Tie Drill - Mike Powell

Ball and Chain Tilt - Pack Wrestling

Base Drill - Joe LeBlanc

Base to Feet Drills - Nick Mitchell - Grand View Univ.

Beating the Claw Ride - Nick Mitchell - Grand View Univ

Bent Leg Turk Pinning - Steve Costanzo - St Cloud State Univ

Bottom Drilling - Dresser

Bottom Position - Change Over - Tom Ryan - Ohio State 

Bottom Position - Escape Outside Ankle - Nick Mitchell - Grand View Univ

Bottom Position - Push Back - Cliff Moore - Edinboro Univ.

Bottom Position - Shin Shuck - Joe LeBlanc

Bottom Position: Sit Out Hip Heist Drill with Troy Nickerson – Northern Colorado Univ.

Bottom Position Drills - Joe LeBlanc - Univ. of N. Colorado

Bottom Position Drills - Preventing Secure Leg - Tom Ryan - Ohio State

Bottom Work - Dresser

Bottom Wrestling - 1 point escape - Tom Ryan - Ohio State

Bottom Wrestling - Knee Slide - Ian Assael

Breakdown on Top - Dresser

Changeover to a Hip Heist - Matt Azevedo - Drexel Univ

Chicken Wing - Zack Espisoto - OK State

Claw Ride Defense - Cliff Moore - Edinboro Univ.

Claw Turk - Kyle Dake

Club and Underhook - Ken Chertow

Combining Head and Wrist Ties - Chris Perry - OK State

 Conditioning - UW Lacrosse University

 Conditioning Drills - Scott Davis

 Conditioning Drills/Hands and Feet - Rob Koll - Cornell U

 Core Circuit - Indiana University

 Counters to High Crotch Takedowns - Scot Davis

 Crab Position - Breaking Free - Wartburg Wrestling

 Crab ride - Turning the opponent - Troy Letters

 Cross Wrist Baseball Grip - Kerry McCoy - Univ. of Maryland

 Crossface Cradle - Common Errors - Jason Borrelli - Stanford U

Defending the Funk - High Crotch Crackdown - Coleman Scott - U of NC

Defending the Funk - Single Leg - Coleman Scott - U of NC

Defense against leg riders - Elevator - Steve Garland - Univ. of VA

Defense First, Circle the Trail Leg with Gary Mayabb – Staley HS (MO)

 Defensive Cradle Off the Low Single - Steve Garland - Univ. of VA

 Double Grapevine - Tim Flynn - Edinboro Univ

Down Blocking Drill - Hudson Taylor - Columbia University

Duck Under - Far Side - Chris Pendleton - U of Wyoming

Duck Under from a Collar Tie - Damion Hahn - Cornell U

Duck Under Warm Up Drills - Damion Hahn - Cornell University

Elbow Cross Pick - Coleman Scott - U of NC

Explode on the Whistle with Jim Miller – Wartburg College

EZ Bar Curl - U of Oklahoma

Farmer's Walk - Strength/Conditioning - Ohio State 

Fighting off the Belly - Nick Mitchell -Grand View Univ

 From the Top Position - Under Hook - Barry Davis - U of Wisconsin

 Full Body Strength - Oklahoma U

Getting the 1-point Escape - Tom Ryan - Ohio State

Getting Up Drill - Kevin Jackson - Iowa State University

Hand Fighting - 2 on 1 Drill - Mark Ironside

Hand Fighting Cut and Move - Leg Attack - Mike Powell

Hand Fighting - Posting off the Head - Russ Cozart

 Hand Fighting - Push Pull Drill - Mark Ironside

Hand Fighting - Shucks - Russ Cozart - Brandon HS

Heavyweights - Cross Knee Breakdown - Kerry McCoy - Univ. of Maryland

Heavyweight Technique – Tilts – Kerry McCoy – Univ. of Maryland

High Level Defense - Mark Cody

High Crotch - Backside Uppercut - Mark Perry - U of IL

High Crotch Crackdown  Change Offs - Chris Pendleton - U of Wyoming

High Crotch Set-Up - Pop the Elbow - Scot Davis -Eden Prairie HS

High Single Leg Defense - Mark Cody

Hip Heist Drill - John Smith - OK State University

Hitting the weights during Wrestling Season - John Eidson - Indiana U

How to counter Arm Bar & Chicken Wing, Tilt Defense - Adam Hall

Hurdle Series - OK State University

Inside Tie - Front Headlock - Matt Azevedo

Kettlebell Exercises - Jeff Buxton - Blair Academy

Lazy Man Cradle - Eric Akin

Leg Attack - Cross Knee Pick - Rob Eiter - U of Maryland

Leg Lace Technique - Rob Eiter - Univ. of Maryland

Leg Lace Transition - Bent Leg Turk - Rob Eiter - U of Maryland

Leg Riding - Tim Flynn - Edinboro Univ

Low Single Counter - Eric Guerrero - OK State University

Low Single to Both Sides - Coleman Scott - Univ of NC

Manual External Rotations - Indiana University

Neck Exercises - Russ Cozart - Brandon HS (FL) 

Neutral Riding Position - Hudson Taylor  - Columbia U

Outside Leg Stand-Up - Damoin Hahn - S. Dakota St. Univ

Overtie - Cross Pick - Coleman Scott - U of NC

Over-Tie Sag Headlock - Ken Chertow

Penetration Drill - Scot Davis - Eden Prairie HS 

Peterson - Joe LeBlanc - Univ. of N. Colorado

Pinning from the Fireman’s Carry - John Smith - Oklahoma St

Plyometric Pogo Drill - Tom Koch

Pop Chest Wrap Ankle - North Carolina State

Pop Cradle Series - Wolfpack Wrestling

 Power Half - Ken Chertow

 Pummel Drill - Mark Branch - University of Wyoming

 Push Ups and Sit Ups - Russ Cozarts - Brandon HS (FL) 

 Quarter Turn Standup - Coach Robie - Virginia Tech

 Redirect your opponent - OK State University

Riding - Side Headlock - Tim Flynn and Cliff Moore - Edinboro Univ

Scoring from Control - Eric Akin

Scrambling - Steve Garland - University of VA

 Scrambling Against Leg Attacks - High Single - Brendan Buckley - Columbia U

 Shoelace Drill - Greg Strobel

Shot Defense Drills - Dave Malecek - University of WI LaCrosse

Short Offense - Head in the Hole - Damion Hahn - Cornell Univ

Short Offense - Football Grip Front Headlock - Damion Hahn - Cornell Univ

Short Offense - Knee Behind Go Behind - Damion Hahn 

Short Offense - Under Hook Fake Front Headlock - Damion Hahn - Cornell Univ

Single Arm Dumbell Row - Oklahoma Wrestling

Single Leg Back Trip - Matt Azevedo - Drexel Univ

Single Leg - Cover Ankles - John Smith - Oklahoma State

 Single Leg Shoulder Drive - Scot Davis - Eden Prairie HS

Single Leg - Sit Through, Whip Down - Matt Azevedo - Drexel Univ

Single Leg Out of the Wrist Tie - Chris Perry - Oklahoma State

 Slide-By - Scot Davis - Eden Prairie HS

 Snake Drill - Ken Chertow

 Snap-downs - Scot Davis -  Eden Prairie HS

 Speed and Balance Drills - John Smith - OK State

 Spiral Jam - Ken Chertow

 Sprawling Drill - Jeff Buxton - Blair Academy

 Stance and Motion drill - Duane Goldman

 Stance and Motion Drill - Duane Goldman - Indiana U

 Stand Up Drill - John Smith - OK State

 Stand Up Drill - Mark Ironside

Standing Single Leg Defense - Chris Bono = South Dakota State Univ. 

 Step through Cradle - Scot Davis

 Strength Training - Neck Series - OK State

 Success from the bottom - Dresser

Swim to Head Cradle Finish - Mark Perry - Univ of IL

 Tie Up - Telephone Grip - Eric Akin

 Top Position - Hip Tilt - Barry Davis - University of WI

Transition Turns - Low Single - Coleman Scott - U of NC

 Turks - Jeff Buxton - Blair Academy

 Two on One Counter Offense - Kevin Jackson - Iowa State University

 Underhook - Throw by single - Keith Gavin - U of VA

 Underhook Shrug - Keith Gavin - Univ. of VA

Using the Wall to Practice Moves - Lou Rosselli

 Wall Drill - Eric Guerreeo - OK State U

 Weight Room Wrestling - Bench Press - Dave Malecek - U of WI LaCrosse

 Weighted Chin Up - Indiana U

 Weighted Dips - Indiana University

 When you get beat - Brendan Buckley - Columbia University

 Wrap Arm Single Penetration - Eric Guerrero - Oklahoma State U

 Wrist Control - Rob Eiter - Univ. of Maryland

 Youth - Half Nelson - Eric Guerrero - OK ST Univ. 

 Please let me know of any broken links!


 Bent Leg Turk Pinning - Steve Costanzo - St Cloud State Univ